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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Off-time upate: May 11th, 2011

Well, this has been long overdue...

It's been nearly two weeks since the last day of the most recent diet week. I have been horrible about this, but I've been incredibly busy as well and just crashing when I go to bed. Forgive the unattentiveness of the posting of late.

So due to events that would interfere with the diet week, and then a delay in tax return arrival, I will be resuming the diet next week, probably Tuesday or Wednesday.

In the meanwhile, weight has been fluctuating from the last weigh in up to 382 and back again. It's kind of annoying. I can go a day with all healthy foods and it says I'm up 6 lbs and then eat a cheeseburger and have it drop four. I have been eating fairly healthy, with breakfast several times over the last two weeks and as many non-fried foods as possible. Avoiding pizza as much as possible as well, despite how good it is. I've had quite a bit of baked chicken/turkey as well. Lean protein is good, after all.

I hope this is a good enough update for you. I'll try and do more as I lead up to the start of Week 5.


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