Welcome to my Weight Loss journey. Travel with me!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week Six Official Weigh-in

Week 6 - Official Weigh-in (post-diet week) 

Previous weight: 387.2
Current weight: 375.4

+/-: -11.8 lbs
Total weight-loss to date: 22.9 lbs

 And the diet week is over! And the results are great!

I honestly didn't think that I had put on as much weight as the pre-week weigh-in indicated, but if I did then this puts things back on the right path.

Thanks to all who gave their support this past week. It means a lot. And thanks to all who challenged my willpower at times too by offering me beer and spirits. As much as I know you were being generous, you also were helping strengthen my willpower to new levels and I thank you.


Days Six and Seven - November 1st and 2nd, 2011

No technical difficulties this time on the delayed post, just an extremely tired young-ish man and his desire for sleep.

Day Six was a good day. I woke up, and headed in to work. I did not bring any soup with me because I had only one meal on my mind: chicken veggie bowl. It's basically a chicken rice bowl from a restaurant down the street, only the low carb option where they don't put rice and add more veggies. When I finally got my lunch I also added two side orders of teriyaki chicken. Good thing, too, because the chicken veggie bowl, which I get frequently, had about half of the normal amount of chicken on it this time. I slathered both the main dish and the extra chicken with spicy teriyaki sauce, and the main dish with a bit of Sriracha on top of it. Gotta love my spicy lunch; fuels the metabolism!

After that I went and helped my dad with some stuff, preparing for his move this weekend. I came home and relaxed for a bit, and had a bowl of soup. After a couple hours I started to feel hungry so I turned the oven's broiler on and let it heat for a bit, then opened up my two bacon-wrapped filets and broiled them. I also stuck in a foil packet of asparagus spears marinated in worcestershire and garlic. The filets cooked perfectly, but the asparagus, which I bought on Day Two and didn't use, was all dried out and was inedible. However, with the larger portion of veggies I'd had earlier I felt ok forgoing them. After a couple more hours I went to bed, as I felt incredibly tired.

Day Seven dawned, and almost immediately after waking I felt like just staying in bed. Not because I felt ill, but because it was so dang COLD! It was below 30 according to the thermometer downtown when I got to work just after 9:30... and it felt like worse as the wind blew. Eventually the sun came out and the temperature skyrocketed to the upper 50's. I didn't bring soup to work today either, and ordered a steamed veggie bento, with brown rice, from Hula Boy. I once again coated the lunch in spicy sauces; sweet chili on 1/3, jerk sauce on the middle 1/3, and spicy hot on the final 1/3. Mix it all together and it's a great meal. It also came with a small container side of marinated veggies. I admit I am curious as to what they marinade with.

After work I went and caught a soccer match at the local college, where the team is fighting for the league title, at the behest of some friends. Afterwards one of the organizers had offered to buy all fans who are part of the Timbers Army Northern Alliance (which I am) a round at the closest affiliate bar. Sadly, I couldn't partake, but I did have several large glasses of hot tea because I was cold! The sun had gone behind the clouds during the match and the wind blew pretty hard, so it got cold fast. While we were at the bar we got to watch the 2nd leg MLS playoff matches. Midway through the 2nd half of the second match, it was time to go watch my friend's teams up at Salmon Creek Indoor Sports Arena. A couple of good matches, the best so far for them.

Upon getting home just after 11, I made up some more brown rice, and enjoyed it. Some soup followed. And now that it's after midnight, I can have my Mint Milano :).

The week was a good one, but difficult at times. The smells of foods that I couldn't have were driving me crazy. The extra night dealing with them at work this past weekend didn't help much, nor did being at bars where they serve good food and good beers. But it was a good test of willpower, and I'm happy to say I came through with no issues!

Thanks for cheering me along this week! Weigh-in is tomorrow... hope it's good news!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Days Four and Five - October 30th and 31st, 2011

Technical difficulties once again led to a delayed post, and a double post as well. I think it's my internet connection/provider. But I digress...

Day Four is always a turning point. My least favorite day by far, but I know I'm halfway through and coming into the two best days of the week by far (the ones with MEAT).

I woke up late, due to my escapades the night before and late arrival home, and got to watch my football game. Let's not talk about that, it didn't go well. During the game, however, I ate three bananas. On the way to work, I ate three more. That was the extent of the bananas.

Work was quite busy, and I was finally able to heat up my soup with about a half hour left in the shift, once things died down. I wasn't able to finish it all though, but it was probably two bowls plus, so if I left a half bowl behind I'm sure I'm ok. Just some salt and pepper for seasoning, because I couldn't find the Tabasco. Along with the soup I drank a quart of skim milk. I decided to cut my milk quantity in half for this cycle, and it turned out to be just the right amount. With several glasses of water throughout the rest of my shift, it was a good choice.

After work, came home and went to bed, dreaming of the pleasures of the next day!

Day Five began nicely, sleeping in a bit but not nearly as late as the previous two days. I blame my cat for that, as she would NOT let me stay in bed. After finally getting ready to do things I went to help my dad move some things to storage, then came home. I was not hungry at all until around 5. I went to pick up my paycheck and have dinner at work, whilst I watched the football game (as my normal Monday Night Football plans were cancelled) and ended up putting in a good 45 minutes of unpaid work in order for my cooking to not be in the way.

The steak this week was a Buffalo sirloin, lightly (too lightly, in fact) seasoned with Garlic Gourmay's Killer Cajun seasoning. As buffalo cooks much faster than beef, I put it in the oven on a grate for 4 minutes per side, and then seared the sides for another minute or so each (it wasn't looking done). The flavor was different, but the meat was nice and tender and juicy. However, I felt it needed a little something so I got a small container of bbq sauce and used that as an occasional dip. I also had one whole fresh sliced tomato as a "side".

After a bit I went to see "Army of Darkness" as it was playing at Kiggins for Halloween. I bought a bottle of water and checked out the new Marquee beer and wine lounge in the upstairs area; it's small but charming, the bar is styled to match the building, and they have a decent selection of beverages, but only three on tap. The movie was good, but I knew that since I've seen it many times. After getting home I popped open a can of stewed tomatoes and have enjoyed them while I type tonight's entry. A bowl of soup will follow shortly, before bed.

Thank you all for reading, and hopefully resetting my router will help with my connection issues. Otherwise it might be time to try using a new browser (not that I don't have another one installed already; just only used for my web development).
