Welcome to my Weight Loss journey. Travel with me!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28th, 2011 - Official Weigh-in

Week 5 - Official Weigh-in (post-diet week) 

Previous weight: 378.0
Current weight: 372.3

+/-: -5.7 lbs
Total weight-loss to date: 26.0 lbs

Well, not the best week I've had, but not the worst either. And with a little bit of luck and some nicer weather on the horizon, it's going to get better from here on out!

Thanks again for reading along everyone. This week we passed 1000 visits to the blog, which is a pretty good milestone. States of Oregon and Washington, respectively, are leading the charge in readership, and the blog is now being read in 7 countries.

I appreciate your support everyone. Keep it up!


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