Well, it took longer than I thought to get my stockpot clean, so I ended up waking up early and making the soup today. On the bright side, I got to eat some of it while it was still freshly warm, and not reheated.
I ate probably 4 bowls of soup today, along with 4 Braeburn apples. I just wasn't all that hungry today, so I ate when I was.
Also, I want to give a shoutout to Gateway Produce on the corner of Andresen Rd and 25th st. They have some of the best prices for fresh veggies and fruit out there, and the quality is good. Talked with the owner when I bought my veggies and he explained that they have to beat retail store prices in order to stay in business, and that they also get to reject deliveries if the quality isn't up to scratch. And from what I've seen and used, they're doing a great job, and the soup and my other fruit/veggie-based meals are all much better for it.
Soup costs for the week:
- Carrots: 2 lb bag for $1.69
- Celery: 1 bunch for $1.61 ($0.88/lb)
- Green Onion: 1 bunch for $0.50 (2 for $1)
- Green Pepper: 3 for $0.99 (Recipe calls for 2 but these were kind of undersized so I used 3)
- Green Beans, canned: 2 cans for $1.16 ($0.58 each)
- Diced Tomatoes: 2 cans for $1.16 ($0.58 each)
The other ingredients, the veggie soup mix paste and beef bouillon (substituted for the broth), were purchased in advance in volume and since I've since lost the receipt I don't remember the cost, I can't factor that in to the soup cost at this time.
Total Soup cost: $7.11 for the week, and for 7 days, that breaks down to $1.02/day ($1.0158 if you want to be exact)
Day One meal costs:
- 4 Braeburn apples for $2.12 ($0.89/lb)
Thanks for reading!
You are doing so great. Your my hero!