Some people have asked me how much I'm spending on this diet. Well, for the first time, I have some answers.
This time around, instead of buying my produce at Winco or Fred Meyer, I went to Gateway Produce (25th St and Andresen Rd in Vancouver). I have been pleasantly surprised! For the green beans and diced tomatoes I purchased those at Winco, however. Everything else listed for this came from Gateway.
For soup fixin's, I was able to purchase one bunch of celery, a bunch of green onions, 2 1-lb bags of baby carrots (cheaper than the whole carrots!), 2 green bell peppers, 2 cans of diced tomatoes and 2 cans of "fancy cut" green beans for a total of $7.19. This is, of course, not counting the cost of the water used to make the soup or the previously purchased beef bouillon and vegetable soup paste.
For days 1 (fruit), 2 (veggies + baked potato), and 3 (fruit and veggies), for two 1lb containers of FRESH strawberries, two big veggie platters (with ranch dip that I can't have), two big pears, and one large potato for Day 2's dinner, the total came to $9.16.
So, for the sake of breaking it down meal by meal, that's a total of $16.35 spent total. For the soup, I eat roughly 2 bowls a day, making it 51.3 cents a bowl (rounded up to $0.52). The other stuff comes out to $3.05 a day, rounding down from $3.0533. This means that my daily meal cost for the first three days (barring the purchase of more fruits and veggies as needed, which will most likely happen) is $4.09.
Better health and better diet for less than $5 a day. Not too shabby.
Obviously, once you tack on meat and some of the other ingredients for days 4-7, that might jump higher. But I'm going to keep track of it, and I'll post daily cost summaries as well in my daily wrap up.
Cool Beans! Your saving money too... Time for a Savings account... LOL