Welcome to my Weight Loss journey. Travel with me!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day Three - October 29th, 2011

Well, yet again my post is delayed due to technical issues... Might need to run some diagnostics. But I digress.

The day started off well. Got to sleep in, and woke up around 11. Had 2 bowls of soup around 4, when I was finally hungry, flavored with a little teriyaki and Sriracha sauce, and some pepper. Was able to get that down before work.

At work, I had two salads, one a small bowl with lettuce, olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, and a splash of Italian dressing. The second was a small wedge salad with tomatoes and onion, and a small touch of blue cheese (not the best choice, but it added a little flavor).

I drank a lot of water and a couple small cans of pineapple-orange juice (100% juice, no added sugar). I even had some unsweetened iced tea.

After work I went to a friend's birthday party, which was at a bar. Extraordinary test of willpower, as everyone was drinking all around me, and people offering me drinks, and I turned them down and didn't order anything but water. After that, went to another bar where a friend of mine was DJ-ing. Nobody offered to buy at this one, but I still didn't have anything to drink. Willpower :).

There ya go! Day Three in the books. Things are going well.


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