Welcome to my Weight Loss journey. Travel with me!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day Three - October 29th, 2011

Well, yet again my post is delayed due to technical issues... Might need to run some diagnostics. But I digress.

The day started off well. Got to sleep in, and woke up around 11. Had 2 bowls of soup around 4, when I was finally hungry, flavored with a little teriyaki and Sriracha sauce, and some pepper. Was able to get that down before work.

At work, I had two salads, one a small bowl with lettuce, olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, and a splash of Italian dressing. The second was a small wedge salad with tomatoes and onion, and a small touch of blue cheese (not the best choice, but it added a little flavor).

I drank a lot of water and a couple small cans of pineapple-orange juice (100% juice, no added sugar). I even had some unsweetened iced tea.

After work I went to a friend's birthday party, which was at a bar. Extraordinary test of willpower, as everyone was drinking all around me, and people offering me drinks, and I turned them down and didn't order anything but water. After that, went to another bar where a friend of mine was DJ-ing. Nobody offered to buy at this one, but I still didn't have anything to drink. Willpower :).

There ya go! Day Three in the books. Things are going well.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day One and Day Two - October 27th and 28th, 2011

Well, for some reason it wasn't going to let me log in last night to post Day One, so here are both Days One and Two.

The morning began with the official weigh-in, where sadly the results were not very good. You can read about them there. Needless to say the day was off to a bad start. However, I made the best of it and packed my food for the day and went off to work.

There I ate one Gala apple, one pound of fresh blackberries (so fresh some of them weren't completely ripe!), and two bowls of soup. I added about half of a 1/8 ounce bottle of Tabasco for flavor, since I had forgotten to season the soup before leaving home.

Upon returning home, I ate another Gala, and then heated up another couple bowls of soup, this time adding some sweet chili sauce for flavor. A little too much tho. So ended Day One.

Day Two began on a much better note, as I had the morning off and was able to sleep in. When I finally woke up I wasn't very hungry, so I putzed around for a bit. When I finally did get hungry, I opened a bag of mixed raw broccoli, cauliflower, and baby carrots. From previous experience I knew the raw broccoli wouldn't go down well without something to moisten it so I had some water and also a small cup of lowfat yogurt ranch dressing. Between noon and 3:30 I finished the whole bag of veggies. The entire bag plus the dressing needed to make the broccoli palatable was approx. 425 calories.

I had to go to work at 5, but ended up being called in early. Working on the weekends, when I'm on the diet week anyways, is pretty difficult, because all the smells of foods I can't eat drive me crazy. Yet this is a test of willpower, and tonight I won it. I made it through the shift, and made my baked potato. It was a rather large one, and took forever to cook (having to even nuke it to finish, and it was still a bit raw). However, it was rather tasty.

I got home and was not very hungry at all, and as I finish the post I am still not hungry. I have yet to have soup today, and doubt now that I will, as it's 3am. I have soup at work that I can eat tomorrow, plus a whole half-full stockpot in the fridge. I have fruit and veggies for tomorrow, so I'm set.

Thanks for reading along. Sorry Day One was so late, but sometimes the Internet doesn't work right.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27th, 2011 - Official Weigh-in (pre-diet week)

Week 6 - Official Weigh-in (pre-diet week) 

Previous weight: 372.3
Current weight: 387.2

+/-: +14.9 lbs
Total weight-loss to date: 11.1 lbs

Ouch. May 28th was the last official weigh in, and despite eating healthy for the last several months, mixed with bike riding and walking (I won't lie and say it's been a regular schedule of exercise or that I haven't had unhealthy meals from time to time in this span) I have had a pretty big setback. I have had a couple of heavy meals (meats, rice, etc.) in the past 96 hours, so maybe that will have some effect on this weigh in, but we'll see how it goes. I knew I'd put a little back on, but it was fluctuating between 5-7 lbs for the most part.

Diet starts today. Let's get this back off again.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Update - October 7th, 2011

Alright, well, the trip to Vancouver went well, and now I'm waiting for payday to start my diet week cycle. So next week. Looking forward to it. This will be the full original cycle, so it'll be great to have everything set to a schedule again for a change. After just eating (mostly) healthy for a while let's see how my body responds.

I've been getting a lot of feedback from readers, asking me how progress is going since I'm not continually blogging anymore. They have expressed their condolences to my parent's ongoing divorce, as well as related some stories of similar experiences. One friend in particular has told me to be careful, because this could cause me to start overindulging and actually gain back all the weight I've lost. I am being very careful. I have had days where I've eaten more than I should have, but also either immediately before or after has been a day where I've consumed very little. Neither is healthy, but it balances out. I am working to prevent that from happening though.

Of course, there's been a few people who have chosen to "encourage" me by trying to shame me for lack of effort. Hopefully these people understand that doing so is not a great technique, that it can lead me to feel like a failure and eventually give up. This would be bad. So please, if you're currently trying to do this, stop. Build me up instead of tear me down.

I recently saw a quote (which I unfortunately didn't save) that goes along with this last bit. It goes something like this: "I may be less than some people expect me to be, but there's more to me than you'll ever know." I'm probably not doing it justice, but you get the idea.

Thanks again for reading. I'll let you know when the soup is cooking and the week can begin!
