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Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/9/12 - Update (and diet tomorrow!)

My my, it has been a while. I apologize for not posting more often over the Holiday season. The holidays have come and gone, and I have been in one of those extremely busy modes for most of the past three months. However, I am pleased to announce that tomorrow, the one-year anniversary of my starting my weight loss journey, I will be beginning the cycle anew.

November was a good month, minus Thanksgiving (obviously), and December was a good month as well, subtracting Christmas dinner. These months were marked by smarter eating, attempts to actually eat breakfast (a notorious omission from my daily meals), and trips to the gym. December also saw me extra-timing my work schedule, adding on an additional 30-40 hours a week of seasonal employment to my current workload. This addition was a lot of walking and lifting, which was bad on my back but good for my activity levels. However, I was usually exhausted at the end of a very long workday that I slipped on my gym routine. I have returned to my regular 3-4 times a week routine, I am proud to say.

Other new happenings: I recently began playing indoor soccer, and will be playing outdoor soccer beginning in the next couple of months. This is good for many reasons. While I am mainly playing goalkeeper, you'd be surprised at how much activity I do, and at the level of exertion of energy too. We have played 4 matches already, and while we're 0-4 going into tonight's match, my performances, surprisingly good for someone who's never played before, have been getting better. I've also subbed as a field player, but to not much success.

As stated above, tomorrow (being the 1 year anniversary of my weight loss journey) I will be beginning my diet cycle once again. This will be the first time since the beginning of January. I'm anticipating some weight gain upon the weigh-in tomorrow morning, as there was the last time, but not as much. I have been eating better for the most part (there's been some binges) and I'm looking forward to this cycle. I will be buying my ingredients tonight after our match and post-game festivities (it's our rivalry match), and making the soup tomorrow. I have some fruit to eat while I cook, as well as to accompany my soup on day one, so that's a great start.

I'm looking forward to this. The last few weeks have been stressful due to some personal issues which I am moving past, and for the better. I hope that this will be one more motivation to drive me to my goal.

Wish me luck!

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